Meet the Partners for Codecamp in Cluj-Napoca | 11 November

We’ll soon revisit Cluj-Napoca on 11 November for a second Codecamp edition. Stay tuned everyone! We’ll get back to you with details on the agenda. In the meantime, we want to take this opportunity to thank our supporting partners for being with us every step of the way.

Endava is a privately-owned IT services company, with over 15 years of experience of working with some of the world’s leading Finance, Insurance, Telecommunications, Media, Technology, and Retail companies. Read in full

Meet the Partners for Codecamp in Cluj-Napoca on April 8th

Codecamp Partners

The clock is ticking… Only 4 days left to Codecamp in Cluj-Napoca on April 8th! Are you ready? Have you booked your free seat? If not, you can do that here.

As you can imagine, we’re in the final stages with all the preparations so that April 8th is a memorable day for the IT industry in Cluj-Napoca. Since this conference wouldn’t be possible at this magnitude (over 60 speakers in 1 day!) Read in full