Masterclass: Leading with Emotional Intelligence

Date: 10-11 March 2021, 10:00 – 15:00, ONLINE

Training fee: €290/participant plus VAT, only 25 seats available

To book your seats, please contact us by email ([email protected]) or phone (+40 740 849 770).

Leading With Emotional Intelligence provides an introduction to the concepts of Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Emotional Quotient (EQ). By utilizing the EQ-i 2.0 self-assessment, participants gain an in-depth understanding of the influence that emotions have on actions and behaviors.

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Why not let a Microsoft Certification recommend you?

As the world continues to be more digitally connected and jobs become more automated, technology remains one of the most dynamic and fast-growing markets. Globally, full-time employment in the IT sector was projected to reach 55.3 million in 2020, before the corona pandemic took its toll on everyone and affected a lot of jobs. Even so, IT is still the industry to be in if you want to become part of the progress. Read in full

The future is digital – Use Microsoft Learn to prepare for it

“I am still learning…”  This is what Seneca wrote on his 76th Letter to Lucilius. What makes this quote so touching is that Seneca was already 70 years old at the time and was advising young Lucilius to never stop learning even though it may become harder to accept the discomfort associated with it once we grow older. Learning and development is something we do from a very young age and we continue to do so our entire life. Read in full

#DareToCode – Join Programmers’ Week on September 14-18

We know you like coding, learning about the latest tech trends and engaging in new opportunities that benefit your organization. Because of that, we highly recommend you join the sixth edition of Cognizant Softvision’s largest technical event: Programmers’ Week.

Programmers’ Week (an extension of International Programmers’ Day, which is celebrated on the 256th day of the year) is a week-long celebration dedicated to the programmers of the world and their amazing contributions to our industry. Read in full

The value of software design in a digital product

“One of the abstract terms we use in software development is business value. It’s one of many. As an industry, we are very good at producing ambiguous terms and acronyms that end in DD (TDD, BDD, DDD and the list continues).  But that’s a different matter. I often find myself in conversations on what business value is, and more importantly, how do we quantify it.  And, most of the times, I end up making a case that there are also other aspects that bring value, apart from the features themselves. Read in full

Leading from above the line

“I have been thinking a lot lately about Jim Dethmer’s book, “The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership“, and the valuable lessons he shares about the masterful art of leading others. Considering his book to be one of reference in leadership, I will, in the following paragraphs, attempt to convey to you the TL;DR of what it means to lead from “above the line”.

In the image above, I love how clear and easily visible the horizontal line dividing the earth and the sky is. Read in full

Masterclass: Leading with DiSC

Date: Postponed until further notice

Training fee: €290/participant plus VAT, only 25 seats available

To book your seats, please contact us by email ([email protected]) or phone (+40 740 849 770).

Leading With DiSC® integrates the application of the Everything DiSC®Management Behavior Model with the Situational Leadership® approach, providing a learning experience that enables participants to enhance the impact of their communications and their ability to influence others.

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Masterclass: Leading with DiSC

Date: Postponed until further notice

Training fee: €290/participant plus VAT, only 25 seats available

To book your seats, please contact us by email ([email protected]) or phone (+40 740 849 770).

Leading With DiSC® integrates the application of the Everything DiSC®Management Behavior Model with the Situational Leadership® approach, providing a learning experience that enables participants to enhance the impact of their communications and their ability to influence others.

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How to increase mobile purchases by implementing the right technology

With more than half of all internet traffic shopping from a mobile device, it is essential that your website is optimized to adapt to the technical limitations of a mobile device to meet your ecommerce goals. Statistics show that 40% of users will check what your competition has to offer if they have a bad mobile experience using your website.

So how you ensure that potential customers will thoroughly view your products on their mobile devices? Read in full

What to expect when joining a (pre-)accelerator program

Alexandra Anghel on what is means to join a (pre-)accelerator program.

As I prepare to join Techstars Montreal AI 2019, I realize that setting the right goals before beginning the journey of going through an accelerator is mandatory. This is my third experience of participating in an accelerator, having been through Startupbootcamp (Copenhagen / 2010) and Prosper Women Entrepreneurs (U.S. / 2016) with my previous startup. Read in full