Join the Lukas Eder Masterclass | Codecamp Iasi October 26-27

How Modern SQL Databases Come up with Algorithms that You Would Have Never Dreamed Of

We want to welcome Lukas Eder, founder and CEO of Data Geekery GmbH. He will be joining us at Codecamp Iasi on October 26-27. Lukas is the designer behind the popular ‘jOOQ’ database access library. Recently awarded the title of Oracle ACE, Lukas is fascinated by everything related to Java and SQL.

His inspiration for jOOQ started in 2003, when he was first introduced to Java. Lukas is used to plain JDBC, JDO, EJB 2.0, Hibernate, and EJB 3.2. He argues that 30% of the Java market doesn’t want complete SQL abstraction.

JEE as a language, has separated from SQL; adding even more abstraction. Over the years, Lukas mentions that SQL has evolved into a potent language. As a consequence, jOOQ is the only Java software that attempts to embrace embedded SQL.

How Modern SQL Databases Come up with Algorithms that You Would Have Never Dreamed Of – An Overview

SQL is the only general-purpose, mainstream, and successful fourth-generation programming (4GL) language. And we have to take Lukas Eder’s word when he says “It’s awesome!”. With relational databases such as PostgreSQL, Oracle, and SQL Server that promise a powerful declarative programming language by adjusting to dynamic data without any performance penalties.

His masterclass topic at Codecamp Iasi will cover hands-on guidances on how the SQL database constantly outperforms handwritten data retrieval algorithms. In layman’s terms, how SQL – which is a logic language – is the best language for business logic.


Lukas created a company out of pure passion. “Ever since, I’ve met so many interesting people doing interesting things, inspiring me, letting me inspire them. I hope this intro about me will convince at least one or two other developers out there to pursue their dreams.”

In SQL, value prevails. There’s no identity because an identity is not required. SQL is considered a multiset-based language, where operations don’t occur individually, but as a whole. iOOQ encourages a collective way of thinking where value is the centerpiece of the programming model.

Register for the Lukas Eder Masterclass HERE. 

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