All You Need to Know about Codecamp’s Masterclasses

In 2017, Codecamp will feature numerous workshops, talks, presentations, contests and community building activities. By far, one of the biggest additions is represented by the masterclasses.

Codecamp masterclasses

These high-end learning events feature top trainers and IT specialists from all over the world. The workshops represent an in-depth, hands-on, practical approach coupled with one-on-one consulting sessions. They are concentrated in the two days before the conference and will address a diverse range of disciplines and technologies: architecture, Java, .NET, security, web apps.

Given that there’s a limited number of people who can attend (10-20 participants), the trainer can focus on each and every one of their questions and try to suggest tailored solutions. Here are the masterclasses that will take place in May 2017 in Iasi:

Masterclass Chander Dhall

Chander Dhall is an awarded Microsoft MVP and world-renowned technology leader in architecting and implementing solutions. As a Microsoft Azure Advisor, ASP.NET Insider, Web API Advisor, DocumentDB Advisor, and an MVP for Visual Studio and Development Technologies, Chander has insight into new releases on technologies used by millions of developers.

His one-day intensive masterclass will cover the following topics:

  • TypeScript
  • AngularJS
  • MVC & Web API

Each topic will be accompanied by a “code with me” session.

The main focus will be on building next-generation web apps in terms of framework, scalability, best practices (for UI, API and server-side).

Read the full masterclass outline here to have a better idea whether Chander’s intensive training is for you.

Raoul-Gabriel Urma masterclasses

Raoul-Gabriel Urma is CEO and co-founder of Cambridge Spark, a leading learning community for data scientists and developers in the UK. In addition, he is also Chairman and co-founder of Cambridge Coding Academy, a growing community of young coders and pre-university students.

Raoul is the author of the best-selling programming book Java 8 in Action which sold over 20.000 copies globally. His 2-day intensive masterclass will focus on modern development with Java 8. The main topics covered are:

  • Lambda expressions
  • Streams
  • Collectors
  • Data Parallelism
  • Testing and Debugging Lambdas
  • Default and static methods on interfaces
  • Enhanced Design with Lambdas
  • Date & Time in Java 8
  • The Optional data type
  • CompletableFuture

At the end of this masterclass, you will be ready to use Java 8 on your daily job and be familiar with the cutting edge programming approaches which allow you to write more flexible and concise code.

Read the full masterclass outline here to have a better idea whether Raoul’s intensive training is for you.

Greg Tworek Masterclass

Greg Tworek started as a system administrator, then moved to a consultant role, IT manager and Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). Now, he is mainly responsible for consulting services delivered worldwide by CQURE. He has access to a source code of Windows.

Greg’s masterclass will comprise 6 modules as follows:

  • Module 1: Windows 10 / Windows Server 2016 – Platform Security and Internals
  • Module 2: Attacks on Credentials and Prevention Solutions
  • Module 3: Attacking and Securing Windows Network
  • Module 4: Handling Ransomware and Other Malicious Software
  • Module 5: Offline Access – Threats and Prevention
  • Module 6: Windows Security Summary

This 2-day masterclass with hands-on demos and smart explanations is specifically designed for  IT and Security professionals who want to take their skills and knowledge to the next level. Topics covered will help attendees walk in hackers’ shoes and evaluate their network from hackers’ point of view.

Read the full masterclass outline here to have a better idea whether Greg’s intensive training is for you.

Dino Esposito Masterclass

Dino Esposito has been the voice of Microsoft Press to Web developers and the author of many popular books on ASP.NET and software architecture. Dino authored “Architecting Applications for the Enterprise” with fellow MVP Andrea Saltarello and “Modern Web Development” and has “Programming ASP.NET Core” in the works for 2017.

Dino’s 2-day intensive masterclass is meant for existing ASP.NET developers, as it starts with an empty ASP.NET Core project and step-by-step adds all the bells and whistles required to display an HTML page. It also covers the generation of web views and enhancements to the Razor syntax, as well as the data access in the .NET Core world through Entity Framework 7. Migration issues and open Q&A will complete the class.
Read the full masterclass outline here to have a better idea whether Dino’s intensive training is for you.

Axel Fontaine Masterclass

Axel Fontaine is known as an entrepreneur, public speaker and software development expert.

He is Founder and CEO of Boxfuse GmbH and Founder and Project Lead at Flyway, the open-source database migration tool.

Axel’s 2-day hands-on masterclass is for architects and developers who want to gain a solid understanding of the techniques they need to make Continuous Delivery and Zero Downtime a success. During the masterclass, attendees will build an entire web app to the point where it deploys continuously, with zero downtime.

The main topics covered during Axel’s masterclass are:

  • Introduction to Continuous Delivery
  • Automated Testing
  • Continuous Integration and Releases
  • Configuration and Environments
  • Database Migrations
  • Keeping software releasable
  • Zero Downtime
  • Immutable Infrastructure

Read the full masterclass outline here to have a better idea whether Axel’s intensive training is for you.

Additionally to the masterclasses, you should also book a ticket for the Codecamp International Conference on May 12th. It will feature top speakers who usually hold presentations at international conferences such as QCon, O’Reilly, Devoxx, etc. and who only appear in the same line-up for a small number of events, Codecamp being the only one in Romania where we have the chance to see this happen.

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