Tester vs Developer – The never-ending battle

tester vs developer

Testers and Developers sometimes seem to be like two people from two different planets. A lot of things have been said about testers and developers. One thing is that they have different ways of thinking, and guess what? They really do have different ways of thinking, but is this making one better than the other? We shall see.

I can bet that everyone has heard these questions at least once in their life, mostly if you already work in the software development field. Read in full

Meet the Partners for Codecamp in Baia Mare on April 22nd

Codecamp Baia Mare

Only 4 days left to Codecamp in Baia Mare on April 22nd! Have you booked your free seat? If not, you can do that here.

It’s our first time in Baia Mare and we’re really keen on getting things right from the very beginning. That’s why we’ve taken care of everything from speakers to communities and trusted partners in high detail. We’re dedicating this article to the latter as a big “Thank You” for making this event possible! Read in full