Meet the Partners for Codecamp in Cluj-Napoca on April 8th

Codecamp Partners

The clock is ticking… Only 4 days left to Codecamp in Cluj-Napoca on April 8th! Are you ready? Have you booked your free seat? If not, you can do that here.

As you can imagine, we’re in the final stages with all the preparations so that April 8th is a memorable day for the IT industry in Cluj-Napoca. Since this conference wouldn’t be possible at this magnitude (over 60 speakers in 1 day!) Read in full

3 Reasons to Attend an IT Conference from a Participant’s Perspective

Codecamp 2017

As an IT professional, you probably know the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest technologies, software updates, methodologies, etc. You need to be learning constantly and sometimes the information that you’re looking for is so niched that you can’t find it in a YouTube tutorial or a blog article. That’s when you decide to take things one step further and learn about the hottest topics from technology experts themselves. Read in full

Meet Codecamp’s Partner Communities

Codecamp 2017

This year Codecamp turns 10! It all started out in Iași back in 2008 and what we wanted was to bring together local IT professionals and organise a series of events that would lead to the emergence of an IT community. We started off very small in terms of event attendees and partners but as the years went by, we were impressed to see just how big this was becoming and were really happy to acknowledge that there was a growing demand for this kind of community-centered IT events. Read in full