Meet Codecamp’s Partner Communities

Codecamp 2017

This year Codecamp turns 10! It all started out in Iași back in 2008 and what we wanted was to bring together local IT professionals and organise a series of events that would lead to the emergence of an IT community. We started off very small in terms of event attendees and partners but as the years went by, we were impressed to see just how big this was becoming and were really happy to acknowledge that there was a growing demand for this kind of community-centered IT events. Read in full

Useful Information on How to Get to Iasi for Codecamp 2017

Codecamp Iasi

Tribute to the fact that Codecamp started in Iasi 10 years ago, we have planned a whole week filled with interesting events. Spanning from the 5th to the 16th of May, the event will feature numerous workshops, talks, presentations, contests and community building activities. Here is how everything will take place in Iasi:

  • 5-6th of May 2017 – The Hack
  • 8-9th of May 2017 – Open Days
  • 10-11th of May 2017 – Masterclasses
  • 12-13th of May 2017 – Codecamp International Conference
  • 13-14th of May 2017 – A party to remember


    If you’re in Bucharest, Timisoara, Cluj-Napoca or anywhere near these big cities and are thinking of attending Codecamp in Iasi for its great speakers and learning opportunities, we’ve searched for several ways you could get to Iasi.

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The Most Useful and Interesting New Features in Java 8

Java 8

According to the Tiobe index for February 2017, Java is one of the most searched programming languages, ranking number one in the index.

When Java 8 was released three years ago, the IT community saw it as a huge improvement to Java, tackling every aspect of the programming language, including JVM (Java Virtual Machine), the compiler, and other help-system enhancements.

Nowadays, Java 8 is famous among developers for many features. Read in full

3 Reliable Ways to Improve Your IT Skills

IT skills

“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning. ” (Benjamin Franklin)

You’re an IT person, working with the latest technologies and frameworks, always passionate about new tech and constantly looking for ways to learn more and improve your skills. The challenge is to find the best resources and ways to achieve this since. What can you do to learn more and be better? Read in full

3 Reasons to See Dino Esposito in Action @Codecamp Iasi

Dino Esposito at Codecamp Iasi

Dino Esposito has been the voice of Microsoft Press to Web developer since 2003. During this time he has written many popular books on ASP.NET and software architecture (“Architecting Applications for the Enterprise” with fellow MVP Andrea Saltarello and “Modern Web Development” to name just a few).

Currently, he is the CTO of Crionet, a company focused on providing Web-based and mobile solutions tailored for sport events across Europe. Read in full

Codecamp Turns 10 and Here’s What We Have In Store for You


Codecamp started out in Iași back in 2008 with a daring idea, a ton of work and a Yahoo messenger status promoting it all. Our dream was to bring together local IT professionals and organise a series of events that would slowly but surely lead to the birth of an IT community. We started off very small and were really happy to see that there was a growing demand for this kind of community-centered IT events, so we decided to take everything to the next level. Read in full