State of AI: key challenges companies need to overcome

A recent report revealed that 40% of companies claiming to be in the AI business do not actually have any real artificial intelligence capabilities.

The same study found that when companies did include artificial intelligence and machine learning into their businesses, the use cases were quite ordinary. Some of the most popular ways start-ups used AI included chatbots (26%) and fraud detection (21%).

These findings prove that artificial intelligence is currently the most used and, sadly, the most misused concept in technology. Read in full

Adding automatic tests to an ASP.NET MVC application (part 1)

I. Introduction

Soon after software development has emerged, it became obvious that any application beyond a homework needs testing. Testing evolved naturally along with frameworks, both on client side and server side and now we are talking about Test-driven development and Behavior-driven development(e.g. Cucumber). Of course, most efficient tests are automatic ones.

A couple of years ago, we had the opportunity to start a project from scratch (MDW Automatic Testing along with Claudiu) and I said to my self: why not develop a small framework to easily add automatic tests?

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Artificial intelligence will certainly be part of the future world, will we?


For some time now, artificial intelligence has been revolutionizing the way we see banking, fintech, retail, education and even the medical system. At this point, it is clear for everyone that whatever future we might have, AI will definitely be part of it. The thing we don’t seem to agree on is how good will such technology be for humanity. On the one hand, a lot of experts believe that AI advancements will bring much value and will help humans improve their existence over the next decades. Read in full

A study towards understanding the job titles in a DevOps world

DevOps is an IT related concept heavily debated, marketed, talked-about in the industry for quite some years. What I love most about it is that it continuously improves; it is like a living organism, as any IT company built on people’s creativity, passion and knowledge.

As I see it, if DevOps would be a person, automation would be its heart, communication and knowledge sharing would be its blood, agile product management would be its brain while servant leadership (or even further — transformational leadership) would be its breathing air. Read in full

Welcome to the retail robot takeover

One of the main areas we’re starting to see the proven power of artificial intelligence is in the retail sector. Whether it’s a robot salesclerk whizzing down the aisles, ready to assist customers in need of directions, or number-crunching systems that make sense of big data rendering it both manageable and actionable to help a company make informed decisions that will positively impact its bottom line. Read in full

Why I would not choose Java to run in Kubernetes

Together with the rise of Java, Java Applications Servers (e.g Tomcat, IBM WAS) also came into the game. The idea of an application server was to have one JVM and to run multiple deployments (e.g. jar, ear, war), this way the memory footprint necessary for running lots of processes can be reduced.

Historically, the teams were well-defined in application administrators that could also be responsible with the operations aspects and developers with a focus on developing the business features of their product and not so much on how their code runs in terms of performance, reliability and so on. Read in full

Artificial intelligence terminology everyone in business should know

Although history has not always been kind to it, artificial intelligence is definitely here to stay. People continue to conduct groundbreaking research in the field of AI on a daily basis. They also try to find new ways to integrate it into other areas of our lives.

Data from PricewaterhouseCoopers indicates that business leaders expect artificial intelligence to be fundamental in the future, with 72% of them actually calling it a business advantage. Read in full

The beginning of AI and its first breakthroughs

Over the past few years, artificial intelligence has found its way into numerous areas of our lives. Finance, healthcare, retail, education, manufacturing, to name but a few, are some of the industries that have integrated artificial intelligence capabilities into their businesses.

But to fully acknowledge the implications, one must really understand the premises and beginnings of AI too.

The Imitation Game

British mathematician and code-breaker Alan Turing is often considered to be the father of computer science and artificial intelligence. Read in full