Available Discounts for Masterclasses & International Conference at Codecamp Iasi

Codecamp’s 10th anniversary starts in less than 3 weeks! We’re putting all our efforts into making it the biggest and most exciting event the IT industry in Iasi has ever seen. Here’s the plan:

10 – 11 May: The Masterclasses

12 May: The International Conference (paid tickets)

  • TALKS: Architecture, microservices, continuous delivery, Docker, Java 8 & 9, DDD, Docker, security, databases, Node.js, JavaScript, React, Data Driven UI, AI/AR/VR and many more.
  • WORKSHOPS: Testing Strategies, Situational Leadership, Internet of Things – hands-on, limited number of seats

13 May: The Communities Conference (Free of Charge)

  • Over 70 talks and workshops on architecture, technologies (you name it!), product development, entrepreneurship

19 – 20 May: The Hackathon – How to develop a “habit of learning” (free of charge, limited number of hacking hats)


We do our best to make all these as accessible as possible for you, so here are the discounts:

Discounted tickets for the Modern Development with Java 8 & 9 masterclass, thanks to our partnership with Edurom300 euros on them, only 350 euros on you (out the total price of 650 euro)

FREE tickets for the International Conference for ALL hackathon participants

Discounted tickets for the International Conference for all Global (20%), Diamond(15%), Platinum (10%), Gold (5%) partners (at any of the Codecamp editions in 2017) and individuals working for these companies

Discounted tickets for any member of the Partner Communities and all-time speakers – 20% off for the International Conference and 10% off for the masterclasses.

Anyone who participated at Codecamp Cluj and Baia Mare and checked-in using the QR code can buy 2 tickets for the price of 1 at the International Conference.

FREE tickets for the International Conference and the masterclasses based on a powerful and inspirational motivation letter sent to [email protected]; no later than April 30th.

We’re hoping all of these discounts and offers are expressing our commitment to growing the community and making learning as accessible as possible to everyone.

Join us for Codecamp’s 10th anniversary in Iasi!

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