Masterclass: Angular & Firebase

Date: 25 October 2019, Iasi
Duration: 4h
Training fee: €150/participant plus VAT, only 25 seats available

To book your seats, please contact us by email ([email protected]) or phone (+40 740 849 770).


Basic knowledge of HTML and JavaScript.

About the training:

Creating amazing apps is much easier than you imagined. During this class we’ll learn how to harness the powers of Angular and Firebase (both from Google) to create a full blown end-to-end live chat, and even deploy it so you can show off to your friend.

Angular is the front end framework you always dreamed about. Whole, powerful and easy-to-use. We won’t dive too deep into it, but thanks to the capabilities of Angular-CLI, you’ll see how little you need to know to get very far. We’ll cover the fundamentals of creating a new app, adding components, using services and building a production-ready bundle.

Firebase is the backend you always fantasized about. Serverless, robust and intuitive. We’ll cover the best it can offer you: Database, storage, functions, user management and even hosting. And you get all of it out-of-the-box, without all the fuss and muss of managing infrastructure.

About the trainer:

UI enthusiast for over a decade and an Angular lover for a century. Head of front-end development at UVeye – an Automotive startup from Tel Aviv, engineering vehicle inspection systems.

Feel free to message him on twitter – @Idan_Co


Training fee: €150/participant plus VAT, only 25 seats available
To book your seats, please contact us by email ([email protected]) or phone (+40 740 849 770).

Coffee Breaks included in the price of the Masterclass.

Browse more masterclasses here.