Smart Parking – IoT Perspectives

Using the disturbance of the Earth’s magnetic field to detect the presence of a vehicle is not a new concept. More than five decades ago, Koerner and Brickner imagined a system where this kind of information can be obtained, centralized and processed.

Presently, by combining embedded engineering with big data solutions online parking monitoring and reservation, intelligent indoor routing towards a specific parking place, metropolitan traffic management are only a few possible applications that can take us to smart cities.

Read this article to understand better how this can be technically possible in a short manner of time.


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Fortech is a software services company established in 2003 and headquartered in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Employing more than 600 software engineers and growing, Fortech is one of the largest IT service providers in the region, repeatedly included in Deloitte rankings of the fastest growing technology companies in Central and Eastern Europe.

What sets Fortech apart are its technical prowess and deep respect for all of its stakeholders. Their approach to software engineering combines strong technical know-how, Agile delivery methods and a blend of code quality practices and metrics refined over 13 years of experience.

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