Dependency Injection (DI) or no Dependency Injection in the .NET Framework

We often hear the terms Inversion of Control or Dependency Injection used interchangeably, which is normal considering they refer to the same thing. Inversion of Control is a programming style where a framework or runtime controls the program flow. It was first brought into discussion in 1988 in Designing Reusable Classes.

Later, Inversion of control over Dependencies became a standalone term, named – Dependency Injection, and it refers to dependency management as a subset of Inversion of Control. Read in full

Smart Parking – IoT Perspectives

Using the disturbance of the Earth’s magnetic field to detect the presence of a vehicle is not a new concept. More than five decades ago, Koerner and Brickner imagined a system where this kind of information can be obtained, centralized and processed.

Presently, by combining embedded engineering with big data solutions online parking monitoring and reservation, intelligent indoor routing towards a specific parking place, metropolitan traffic management are only a few possible applications that can take us to smart cities. Read in full

Meet the Partners for Codecamp Chisinau | 25 November

Codecamp Romania is coming to Chisinau! Stay tuned for further details on the complete agenda. In the meantime, we want to take the opportunity to introduce our loyal partners. They’ve helped us go borders with our mission to make Codecamp one of the most influential IT conferences in Romania.

Make sure to register for the FREE conference here. Join the Codecamp mission on the 25th November at Chisinau! Read in full