3 Reasons to Attend an IT Conference from a Participant’s Perspective

As an IT professional, you probably know the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest technologies, software updates, methodologies, etc. You need to be learning constantly and sometimes the information that you’re looking for is so niched that you can’t find it in a YouTube tutorial or a blog article. That’s when you decide to take things one step further and learn about the hottest topics from technology experts themselves. How? By attending relevant conferences featuring highly qualified speakers in your desired field. Most of the times, the choice to attend an IT conference is triggered by one, two or all of the following reasons:

You want to learn directly from other skilled IT professionals

Even if you’ve been in the IT industry for quite some time and you know your job like the back of your hand, there will always be room for improvement in terms of processes and workflows. Furthermore, there may be issues that your peers are confronted with and that impact the productivity/ outcome of the entire department. Chances are other people are dealing with similar issues, so why not learn about different ways to tackle them?

Furthermore, there are many sessions with topics you can choose from during conferences. Maybe a speaker is giving a talk about an issue you are trying hard to understand, or some skill you would like to perfect in the future. Since many of these speakers are experts in the field and/or have published works, they will provide a Q&A session after the presentation when you’ll have the opportunity to ask particular questions and also listen to what other attendees have to say.  

Better yet, some conferences also offer the opportunity of attending a series of masterclass held by their best speakers. These represent high-end learning events organised with top trainers and specialists from all over the world. Think about an in-depth workshop mixed with a hands-on, practical approach and one-on-one consulting sessions and you get a Masterclass.

Here are the masterclasses that will take place during Codecamp in Iasi, between 10-11 May 2017:

Architecting for Continuous Delivery and Zero Downtime, Axel Fontaine

Developing ASP.NET Core Applications, Dino Esposito

Modern Development with Java 8, Raoul-Gabriel Urma

Java Fitness with Peter Lawrey

Hacking and Hardening Windows Infrastructure, Greg Tworek

UI, API and Server Side – Beginner to Advanced in One Day, Chander Dhall

You want to expand your professional IT network

What better way of meeting new people, exchanging ideas and opinions than attending an IT conference? It’s always advisable to have a healthy professional network if you are in a long-term career path.

By attending an IT conference, you get the chance to meet like-minded people who may become part of your network in many ways: IT peer, future employer/employee, business lead for a new project. Otherwise put, if you’re looking for job, attending an IT conference might help get your career back on track; if you’re not looking and you’re happily employed, you can scout for talented people to work with you.

Many times, you’ll leave the conference with a handful of business cards. These can belong to people you’ll be working with, future friends, technology experts, etc. You never know when they might be important in your life or in your career.

Having fun

You didn’t see that coming, did you? 🙂 Truth be told, all work and no play can get us old fast and it’s always good to never underestimate the power of a little fun mixed with interesting people and hot IT topics.

In terms of having fun, we’ve prepared the following during Codecamp in Iasi:

The Hack

Mix in a lot of innovation, a few groups of talented people with a passion for IT, an important problem that is in dire need for a solution, a big room full of laptops and 24 hours and you get The Hack. It’s an intense interdisciplinary race for solutions that will solve problems ranging from healthcare to public transportation, automotive, fin-tech and other solutions that could be used to improve in the community.

Open Days

For 2 days in a row, you will be invited to see what a normal day of work looks like for a lot of tech businesses. You will also take part in workshops and talks held by in-house or external/community professionals which is a great way to gain some extra insight.

Party Time

Be sure not to miss the party after the conference!


Looking forward to seeing you at Codecamp in Iasi!


Meanwhile, check out the renowned speakers and IT leaders who will be present at the event and book your seat now to get the best price: http://iasi.codecamp.ro/day1

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