4 ways to make sure your Augmented Reality app works for your users

augmented reality

One of the biggest challenges for digital designers is creating something that actually works well for the people who use it – because these days User Experience (UX) is king. And with more and more companies beginning to use Augmented Reality, in everything from retail and marketing to architecture and medicine, that challenge is stepping up a notch. The blending of the digital and physical realms means that a user’s experience is becoming more complicated. Read in full

The importance of neuroscience in the User Experience process

user experience

With the evolution of technology and user needs, the concept of User Experience has begun to have a different meaning in the process of creating a product, either physically or digitally, involving several areas of activity. In order to create products as close as possible to user needs, in addition to the ongoing research that they are doing, neuroscience has begun to be a new area of interest to the UX Designers, precisely because it provides a much more solid foundation on that they can build.

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