All You Need to Know about Codecamp’s Masterclasses

Codecamp masterclasses

In 2017, Codecamp will feature numerous workshops, talks, presentations, contests and community building activities. By far, one of the biggest additions is represented by the masterclasses.

Codecamp masterclasses

These high-end learning events feature top trainers and IT specialists from all over the world. The workshops represent an in-depth, hands-on, practical approach coupled with one-on-one consulting sessions. They are concentrated in the two days before the conference and will address a diverse range of disciplines and technologies: architecture, Java, .NET, Read in full

The Most Useful and Interesting New Features in Java 8

Java 8

According to the Tiobe index for February 2017, Java is one of the most searched programming languages, ranking number one in the index.

When Java 8 was released three years ago, the IT community saw it as a huge improvement to Java, tackling every aspect of the programming language, including JVM (Java Virtual Machine), the compiler, and other help-system enhancements.

Nowadays, Java 8 is famous among developers for many features. Read in full