Masterclass: Situational Leadership®: Taking Charge

Situational Leadership®: Taking Charge is 1 day workshop designed to help front-line employees and individual contributors develop a thorough understanding of the leadership process. When employees can recognize a clear connection between their performance and the success of the organization, they perform to the full extent of their capabilities, as opposed to simply working within the parameters of their job descriptions.

Date: 25 April 2018, Iasi

Training fee: €190/participant plus VAT, only 25 seats available
To book your seats, please contact us by email ([email protected] Read in full

Masterclass: Leveraging Your Power to Influence

Training based on Situational Leadership® Model, the most powerful system utilized globally for increasing leaders’ performance in work environment and their results, obtained through the persons they are coordinating, regardless of their hierarchical position in organization or their functional role.


Date: 26 April 2018, Iasi

Training fee: €250/participant plus VAT, only 25 seats available
To book your seats, please contact us by email ([email protected] Read in full

The 10-Year Celebration Starts. See the Full Agenda

Codecamp Iasi starts in less than 24 hours. We’re celebrating our 10th anniversary this year, so we want to make it count. Are you ready? In total, over 2,500 participants will be joining us over the course of 11 days, some will attend the masterclasses, others the 1st day of conference on May 12 but the majority will be present at the free conference on May 13. Read in full

All You Need to Know about Codecamp’s Masterclasses

Codecamp masterclasses

In 2017, Codecamp will feature numerous workshops, talks, presentations, contests and community building activities. By far, one of the biggest additions is represented by the masterclasses.

Codecamp masterclasses

These high-end learning events feature top trainers and IT specialists from all over the world. The workshops represent an in-depth, hands-on, practical approach coupled with one-on-one consulting sessions. They are concentrated in the two days before the conference and will address a diverse range of disciplines and technologies: architecture, Java, .NET, Read in full