How robots impact our economy

robots economy

The future where robots help humans in daily jobs and their everyday lives is not so far away anymore. We are facing the man and machine times, and robots already work in sectors such as industry, education, healthcare, service and so on. We are living in an amazing burst of innovation and we can already see robots that tidy up a room, deliver items around offices or, more impressive, mind control robotic arm. Read in full

5G service – faster download speeds and more complex mobile internet apps

5g service

The fifth generation of wireless technology is closer than we imagine. It was one of the main topics at Internet of Things Solutions World Congress (IoTSWC) that just ended in Barcelona and not only. For Romania, Orange tested 5G this summer near Cluj, in Floresti. Next year Romanian authorities will organize the auction for 5G and till 2025, one-third of the Internet traffic will be supported by it. Read in full

Tester vs Developer – The never-ending battle

tester vs developer

Testers and Developers sometimes seem to be like two people from two different planets. A lot of things have been said about testers and developers. One thing is that they have different ways of thinking, and guess what? They really do have different ways of thinking, but is this making one better than the other? We shall see.

I can bet that everyone has heard these questions at least once in their life, mostly if you already work in the software development field. Read in full

4 ways to make sure your Augmented Reality app works for your users

augmented reality

One of the biggest challenges for digital designers is creating something that actually works well for the people who use it – because these days User Experience (UX) is king. And with more and more companies beginning to use Augmented Reality, in everything from retail and marketing to architecture and medicine, that challenge is stepping up a notch. The blending of the digital and physical realms means that a user’s experience is becoming more complicated. Read in full

The importance of neuroscience in the User Experience process

user experience

With the evolution of technology and user needs, the concept of User Experience has begun to have a different meaning in the process of creating a product, either physically or digitally, involving several areas of activity. In order to create products as close as possible to user needs, in addition to the ongoing research that they are doing, neuroscience has begun to be a new area of interest to the UX Designers, precisely because it provides a much more solid foundation on that they can build.

Read in full

5G as The Backbone of Future Mobility

future of mobility 5g

As a leading automotive supplier, the HARMAN Connected Car team knows an important technology when they see one. After all, we were responsible for the world’s first single DIN radio/navigation system produced more than 20 years ago. But there is another paradigm shift on the horizon and it’s going to take a totally new type of connectivity for automakers to keep up—it’s going to take 5G. Read in full

Meet the Partners for Codecamp in Suceava | 20 October

codecamp suceava partners

Codecamp Suceava will be back on October 20. Don’t forget to register HERE. The complete agenda will be announced soon.

In the meantime, we want to thank our partners for being with us every step of the way.


Established in 1998 in Cluj-Napoca, Softvision is now a big and global outsourcing company that provides great software product development services to their clients. Softvision expanded throughout Romania in Baia Mare, Bucuresti, Iasi and Timişoara. Read in full

Masterclass: Move your database to the Cloud: Understand, Design, Migrate, Manage, and Monitor Azure SQL Database

speakers workshop

Date: 09 November 2018, Bucharest
Training fee: €250/participant plus VAT, only 20 seats available

To book your seats, please contact us by email ([email protected]) or phone (+40 741 103 133).

About the Masterclass

This Azure SQL Database pre-con provides you the knowledge and tools necessary to understand the capabilities and usage of cloud databases. It will help you get familiar with the Azure SQL Database concepts. Read in full

Workshop Codecamp Timisoara, 06 oct: Move your database to the Cloud: Understand, Design, Migrate, Manage, and Monitor Azure SQL Database

speakers workshop

Date: 06 October 2018, Codecamp Timisoara

Duration: 4h, 11.00 – 15.00

To book your seats, please contact us by email ([email protected]) or phone (+40 741 103 133).

About the workshop

This Azure SQL Database pre-con provides you the knowledge and tools necessary to understand the capabilities and usage of cloud databases. It will help you get familiar with the Azure SQL Database concepts. Read in full

The Joy of Data-Driven Development

Author: Davide Trimarchi — Head of Product & Design @123FormBuilder

  1. How I got started with data-driven development

Data-driven development is an increasingly popular way for technology companies to improve their products and services. All of the big tech giants already do data-driven development, but most smaller companies haven’t mastered it yet—and when smaller companies do turn to data, it’s often to improve their marketing efforts, not the product itself. Read in full