Can we regulate AI or not? This is the question

AI technologies are forecast to add USD 15 trillion to the global economy by 2030. At this moment, around the world, at least 50 countries (including the EU as a whole) have developed, or are in the process of developing a national AI strategy. Of these, 36 have (or plan to have) either separate strategies in place for public sector AI or a dedicated focus embedded within a broader strategy. Read in full

The future of marketing is AI

Marketing is the business process of creating relationships with customers and finding the perfect conditions to satisfy their needs. This is probably why it’s one of the fields that collects and uses a huge amount of data about a lot of things, including customers, website traffic, products and services, delivery, pricing and payment conditions etc.

With the explosion of online commerce and so many attractive offers, companies are urged to find innovative solutions to stay ahead of the curve. Read in full

Artificial Intelligence is reshaping the hospitality industry

In the last couple of years, artificial intelligence has found its way in almost all industries and the hospitality one makes no exception. Being a highly competitive domain, those working in this industry have always been keen on keeping up-to-date with trends and technological advancements.

With the help of AI, businesses operating in the hospitality industry can upgrade their services, processes and improve customer experiences. After all, in this field, it’s all about boosting revenues and loyalty. Read in full

How can project managers leverage AI?

Project management is a practice that cannot be excluded from the current activities of any company. Whether you’re working on a construction site, or in software development, you’ve definitely dealt with planning, executing and controlling the work of a team. Although a practical and beneficial process, project management is not without its drawbacks. It can be really time-consuming and sometimes it comes at a high financial cost too. Read in full

The real perils of artificial intelligence


Why is The Terminator scenario in AI unrealistic? Modern AI focuses on automated reasoning, based on the combination of perfectly understandable principles and plenty of input data, both of which are provided by humans or systems deployed by humans. To think that common algorithms such as nearest neighbour classifier or linear regression could somehow spawn consciousness and start evolving into superintelligent AI minds is farfetched in our opinion. Read in full

Artificial intelligence terminology everyone in business should know

Although history has not always been kind to it, artificial intelligence is definitely here to stay. People continue to conduct groundbreaking research in the field of AI on a daily basis. They also try to find new ways to integrate it into other areas of our lives.

Data from PricewaterhouseCoopers indicates that business leaders expect artificial intelligence to be fundamental in the future, with 72% of them actually calling it a business advantage. Read in full

The beginning of AI and its first breakthroughs

Over the past few years, artificial intelligence has found its way into numerous areas of our lives. Finance, healthcare, retail, education, manufacturing, to name but a few, are some of the industries that have integrated artificial intelligence capabilities into their businesses.

But to fully acknowledge the implications, one must really understand the premises and beginnings of AI too.

The Imitation Game

British mathematician and code-breaker Alan Turing is often considered to be the father of computer science and artificial intelligence. Read in full