5G service – faster download speeds and more complex mobile internet apps

5g service

The fifth generation of wireless technology is closer than we imagine. It was one of the main topics at Internet of Things Solutions World Congress (IoTSWC) that just ended in Barcelona and not only. For Romania, Orange tested 5G this summer near Cluj, in Floresti. Next year Romanian authorities will organize the auction for 5G and till 2025, one-third of the Internet traffic will be supported by it. Read in full

5G as The Backbone of Future Mobility

future of mobility 5g

As a leading automotive supplier, the HARMAN Connected Car team knows an important technology when they see one. After all, we were responsible for the world’s first single DIN radio/navigation system produced more than 20 years ago. But there is another paradigm shift on the horizon and it’s going to take a totally new type of connectivity for automakers to keep up—it’s going to take 5G. Read in full