If you want to create an app faster, and you do not have knowledge from the backend area, but you require your app to interact with a database, one accessible solution is to use Parse Server. Parse Server is an open source Back-as-a Service (BaaS) framework initially developed by Facebook which uses web-based, all-in-one Dashboard. From here, you can create classes and manage your data, to view analytics, and send push notifications. Read in full
Energized for Knowledge at Codecamp Cluj 2017
“This fall, we attended one of the season’s much-anticipated IT conferences in Cluj: Codecamp. A conference that targets and brings together people from all IT disciplines, from enthusiastic students to senior developers. The one-day event consisted in a series of talks held simultaneously throughout the day.
Codecamp Romania encourages the exchange of ideas and information amongst IT professionals all around the country. We strongly believe in this type of knowledge sharing, peer to peer learning, personal and professional development.
The Codecamp experience
“I’ve been with Codecamp for about five years now. It caught me in my early stages of my professional career. Even then, I knew I had something to share with an audience, but I didn’t know how. I was scared I would make a fool of myself. And I guess a little too proud to let my ego suffer a possible failure.
That’s when I met Florin. Read in full
The Anniversary Story of Codecamp Iasi (10-20 May 2017)
Did you have fun at Codecamp Iasi? We know we had a blast. This past May we celebrated our 10th year anniversary. We want to thank our partners, speakers and attendees for helping us refine the Codecamp mission: to build an IT community like no other.
Great things have happened between May 10 and May 20. We’ve had challenging masterclasses, conferences, and a cool hackathon with practical insights on “How to Develop a Habit of Learning”. Read in full