How to create simple apps using Unity 3D and Parse Server

If you want to create an app faster, and you do not have knowledge from the backend area, but you require your app to interact with a database, one accessible solution is to use Parse Server. Parse Server is an open source Back-as-a Service (BaaS) framework initially developed by Facebook which uses web-based, all-in-one Dashboard. From here, you can create classes and manage your data, to view analytics, and send push notifications. Read in full

Masterclass: Functional Programming on the JVM with Scala & Clojure

Most programming languages are gaining functional programming constructs, and the JVM remains a rock-solid base on which to build a wide variety of applications; however, the legacy ties to OOP in the Java programming language itself make many of the more interesting and useful aspects of functional programming difficult to achieve.


23 March 2018, IASI

Training fee: €250/participant plus VAT, only 25 seats available

To book your seats, please contact us by email ([email protected]

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Masterclass – Effective Testing in Java

We all know that testing is important, but most of us have had little education about the different approaches to testing and are left to teach ourselves. Unfortunately, it takes most people years to learn good habits and techniques, and the mistakes we make when learning are often costly, frustrating, and counter-productive. We end up with slow tests, tests that break for bad reasons, and tests that are impossible to reason about when they fail.   Read in full

Masterclass powered by Optymyze: Leading, following, or managing? Efficient and effective ways to help your group thrive

We work in teams. Teams that have goals, that work together to solve problems, that sometimes squabble and make up. How people in the group behave depends on the styles of leadership, management and followership adopted in the group, and on each of our individual behaviours.

Date: 23 March 2018, IASI
Training fee: €250/participant plus VAT, only 25 seats available

To book your seats, please contact us by email ([email protected]

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Masterclass powered by Endava: Quality in use – the beating heart of the user experience

In today’s business environment, the user experience and the commercial imperatives have become overwhelmingly important. As testers it is vital that we understand quality in use and the user experience, in order that we focus our tests correctly.

Date: 22  March 2018, IASI
Training fee: €250/participant plus VAT, only 25 seats available

To book your seats, please contact us by email ([email protected]) or phone (+40 741 103 133).

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Masterclass: Crafting Code

This course is designed to help developers write code that is well-crafted. Meaning code that is clean, testable, maintainable, and an expression of the business domain. The course is entirely hands-on, designed to teach developers practical techniques they can immediately apply to real-world projects.

Date: 25 – 26 October 2018, IASI
Training fee: €600/participant plus VAT, only 20 seats available

To book your seats, please contact us by email ([email protected]

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