Dependency Injection (DI) or no Dependency Injection in the .NET Framework

We often hear the terms Inversion of Control or Dependency Injection used interchangeably, which is normal considering they refer to the same thing. Inversion of Control is a programming style where a framework or runtime controls the program flow. It was first brought into discussion in 1988 in Designing Reusable Classes.

Later, Inversion of control over Dependencies became a standalone term, named – Dependency Injection, and it refers to dependency management as a subset of Inversion of Control.

But, why worry about dependencies and about knowing the types of dependencies that your code can have?

Read this article and learn more about which dependencies are good or not for your code.


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Fortech is a software services company established in 2003 and headquartered in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Employing more than 600 software engineers and growing, Fortech is one of the largest IT service providers in the region, repeatedly included in Deloitte rankings of the fastest growing technology companies in Central and Eastern Europe.

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