Ready to implement AI into your business?

Make sure your employees are also prepared

The idea of a machine that can display “intelligence” just like a human has been around for quite some time. The concept of artificial intelligence became known on a larger scale starting with the ’50s and, since then, it has had a few ups and downs. But the real progress is happening now. Nowadays, almost all areas of our lives could be enhanced with the help of AI technology and researchers never stop to amaze us with new use cases.

Disruption is inevitable and tech companies are not missing the opportunity to capitalize on what artificial intelligence has to offer. A crucial aspect of adopting AI and developing successful AI products is to have employees that understand and are prepared to address all the challenges such a change might bring.

An Accenture survey on the future workforce reveals that more than 60% of workers have a positive view regarding the impact of AI on their work. Furthermore, two-thirds acknowledge that they must develop their own skills to work with intelligent machines.

On the other hand, business leaders from larger corporations mentioned that only about one-quarter of their workforce is prepared for AI adoption. However, only 3% of business leaders are actually planning significant increases in their training budgets to meet the skills challenges posed by AI.

“Business leaders don’t think their workers are ready for AI, yet only 3 percent are reinvesting in training. ” – Accenture

Let’s have a look at some of the things companies can do to prepare their employees to work with AI or build AI projects.


Even if we have gone so far with technological breakthroughs, we still don’t have any idea how this will evolve in the next decades. At this point, everything related to artificial intelligence amazes us and terrifies us. We fear to lose our jobs, our sense of what it means to be an individual, and we expect to wake one day and realize we need to fight the ‘machine’ because it wants to rule the world.

But what if we were to shift our mindset? Think of a future in which humans and machines don’t try to replace each other, but work together and complement each other. With a positive perspective on the future, employees will be more willing to embrace the change and look for ways in which machine learning might improve their performance at work.

And if this idea is reinforced by the fact that you do not prioritize the AI hype over them, they will feel confident and appreciated and will work with you on making the AI integration as smooth as possible.

Continue reading on Strongbytes’ blog.