Masterclass: Theory and Practice of (Agile) Machine Learning

Date: Postponed until further notice
Training fee: €600/participant plus VAT, only 25 seats available

To book your seats, please contact us by email ([email protected]) or phone (+40 740849770).

About the training

Artificial Intelligence is a wildly abused term only good for C-level execs to showcase the company and media representive or know-it-all pundits to look smart. Machine Learning, instead, is the branch of so-called artificial intelligence that is worth further investigation because of the impact it has on software. Read in full

Masterclass: Crafting Code

This course is designed to help developers write code that is well-crafted. Meaning code that is clean, testable, maintainable, and an expression of the business domain. The course is entirely hands-on, designed to teach developers practical techniques they can immediately apply to real-world projects.

Date: Postponed until further notice
Training fee: €600/participant plus VAT, only 20 seats available

To book your seats, please contact us by email ([email protected] Read in full

Artificial Intelligence is reshaping the hospitality industry

In the last couple of years, artificial intelligence has found its way in almost all industries and the hospitality one makes no exception. Being a highly competitive domain, those working in this industry have always been keen on keeping up-to-date with trends and technological advancements.

With the help of AI, businesses operating in the hospitality industry can upgrade their services, processes and improve customer experiences. After all, in this field, it’s all about boosting revenues and loyalty. Read in full