Workshop: ACA – automation cycle in agile

Date: 8 November 2019, Bucharest
Duration: Full day
To book your seat, please acces this link or contact us by email ([email protected]) or phone (+40 740 849 770).

Agile without test automation is like a plant without water… It will simply die. Speaking of plants … in a small family farm most of the work can be done by hand or using cheap and simple tools. They communicate a lot because they have breakfast and dinner together. At the end of the day they have a very good quality shippable product and they are very adaptive for when changes arrive… I am talking about weather changes, customer requests or any other influencing factors. They are Agile because they are a family. They have a very good product in small quantities… Enough for them to survive. What if the farm needs to GROW?

The biggest challenge in Agile is scaling at Enterprise level. At the beginning of your growth is the time for taking the most delicate care that your choices are correct. When you make the transition from a small farm to a big enterprise you need the right tools to automate your processes, to maintain control of your production line so at the end of the day you will have the same good quality product but in large quantities J Remember you no longer have only your family to work with you, not everybody has the same level of knowledge or commitment. It’s a fact… But you can deny it if you want, you will pay at the end.

Your tools must help you on the entire life-cycle of the product… Reduce the number of tools to a minimum necessary to cover the entire cycle and reduce the amount of knowledge you need to transmit to your teams. This way they will focus on creating your product rather than on learning many new tools and try to find workarounds to integrate them. You will see how your overall cost will reduce. Reuse at maximum every automation that you do. If you automate testing at unit test make sure that you can reuse that script at the upper level of tests, if you write a test case reuse it as a requirement or the other way around. Recycle all products that you will no longer use. Scripts that are no longer used in testing can be used in data generation or transform your mocks into tests … In a farm nothing is lost , everything is transformed in something useful.

Most of all stay in CONTROL. With so many changes around staying in control may become very challenging… However we believe we can show you a way. It is not the perfect way but it is customizable and can easily adapt to your needs.

We will see different tools who work like one, different approaches and we will define together what is the most profitable context where they can operate. Which one will be your context? Join us and find out!


10:00 – Welcoming guests & quick snack

10:15 – Agile lifecycle in ALM OCTANE  (2,5 hours)

  • General introduction in Agile (Scrum, BDD, Kanban, etc.)
  • From theory to practice: How to make the tool help you and follow the theory
  • WorkFlows in Octane
  • TO BE or not To Be in control: fast and useful reporting in Agile
  • My Flows are Different, I have adapted agile to my business specific: customizations in Octane

13:00 – Lunch break & Networking

14:15 – Test Automation in Agile  (2 hours)

  • Create automated tests in sprint
  • Create a basic automated unit test
  • Create a WebService test
  • Create a GUI test
  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: optimize your scripting in Agile

16:30 – Continuous Integration  (1 hour)

  • CI pipeline in Octane
  • Integration with already defined pipelines

18:00 – Goodbye and see you again!

Why come to this event? It is an obvious question to which we must answer to make sure the time you invest is profitable for you. And the main benefit of this kind of events is sharing ideas, ideas that worked for others and you can adapt to your context. A good idea may worth a fortune, think about all businesses that thrive just because they have good ideas. We organized it more like a debate based on a skeleton so you can ask questions and receive arguments from all the people present in the room.  The speakers have more than 16 years of experience in software testing and QA, national and international exposure in many projects all over Europe.

You will get new knowledge by seeing how other implement Agile principle in their tools, tips and tricks for automation, continuous integration pipelines and most important: what you need to implement Agile at Enterprise scale.

Who is it for ?

  • Project Managers
  • Testers and Test Managers
  • Stakeholders who purchase software
  • Business users who will perform User Acceptance Testing, Regression Testing or any other form of repeatable testing

Why is it different ?

  • Accent on practice “How the notions are used in practice” with examples
  • Accent on debate and exchange of ideas or arguments
  • Compliant to ISTQB curricula, ISO29119, ISO25000


If you want to have a great hands-on experience you should bring your laptop. All laptops are good as long as you have administrator privileges so you can install some of the tools.

The trainer

  • ISTQB Certified Advanced Test Manager
  • HPE / MicroFocus Certified Trainer
  • HPE Certified Specialist on various HP Tools
  • Experience in: Functional Automated Testing, Test Management & Quality Assurance, Performance Testing and Application Lifecycle Management


To book your seat, please acces this link, or contact us by email ([email protected]) or phone (+40 740 849 770).