Tech Conferences – why bother?

IT is a man’s world, but IT wouldn’t be nothing without a woman or a girl… Perhaps this is what James Brown would’ve said if he was still alive and working in the tech field.

The Hidden Figures of the Tech Industry

”There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women” — Madeleine Albright

And here we are in 2018, still dealing with gender inequality and boys’ clubs around most of the tech industries. This is where communities like Women in Tech enter the stage playing their role by the book. As part of this global movement, Women in Tech Cluj organize monthly meetups during which they discuss trending topics in Cluj, the so-called Silicon Valley of Transylvania.

“Our purpose is to make women’s work known, share our stories on how we keep up and spread opportunities to grow. “ – Women in Tech Cluj

To bother, or not to bother: this is the question

More and more, both men and women in the tech community want to hear a female perspective. After all, introducing diverse viewpoints into any conversation adds a depth that helps us better understand and resolve the problems we all face. Still, when it comes to women speakers, locally, things tend to vary from event to event with 27% female speakers at JSHeroes and only 13% at Techsylvania, the gap between male and female speakers remaining an issue that’s worth our attention.

Read more about how do you choose the right tech events to attend, but also about getting to conferences and becoming a speaker in this article written by Wolfpack Digital.