Artificial intelligence terminology everyone in business should know

Although history has not always been kind to it, artificial intelligence is definitely here to stay. People continue to conduct groundbreaking research in the field of AI on a daily basis. They also try to find new ways to integrate it into other areas of our lives.

Data from PricewaterhouseCoopers indicates that business leaders expect artificial intelligence to be fundamental in the future, with 72% of them actually calling it a business advantage. So, it is obvious that many more will want to jump in the AI bandwagon and help revolutionize the world. Therefore, understanding the main terminology and concepts in AI is essential for everyone in the business world.

Artificial Intelligence

The idea of a device being ‘intelligent’ has been embedded in the human mind since antiquity. Yet, the term artificial intelligence has been defined and founded as an academic discipline much later, in 1956.


Algorithms are the cornerstone of artificial intelligence. They represent a set of rules (math formulas and/or programming commands) that help a regular computer learn how to solve problems with AI.

Machine Learning

Machine learning is the part of artificial intelligence that allows computers to improve themselves over time as a result of experience and practice. According to computer scientist Arthur Samuel, who coined the term in 1959, machine learning enables computers to learn without being explicitly programmed.

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