Masterclass: Building a dependable Automated Testing Environment which has been running and growing for over 20 Years

Date: 19 November 2018, Iasi
Training fee: €250/participant plus VAT, only 20 seats available

To book your seats, please contact us by email ([email protected]) or phone (+40 741 103 133).

In this training you will be able to learn from Simon’s 38 year history in testing, some of his good ideas and definitely from his bad ones. You will hear about some automated testing successes, share some lessons learned automation and otherwise and explore some options.

Course outline

  • Introduction
  • Quality Management Statement
  • Test strategy and Test Plan
  • The Test Data
  • Connecting the Test Plan to the Test Strategy
  • Connecting the Test Data to the Test Plan
  • Dealing with Errors & Problems – A Recursive V Model Technique
  • A Strategy to DEAL (not “cope”) with aggressive time constraints
  • Built for Automation
  • Routine Procedure
  • Problem Logs
  • Successes Made & Lessons Learned

Lesson 1. Do not Indulge in testing ~ Produce Results which have a benefit

Lesson 2. Do not Indulge in “Automation” ~ When is it the right time to automate?

Lesson 3. Testers must communicate and collaborate

Lesson 4. Automation is a means to an End ~ Get the end “In Focus”

Lesson 5. Testing “Tools” are all around us

Lesson 6. Keep the Testing and Automation practises separate

Lesson 7. Build-in time to review the testing ~ Test the Testing

Lesson 8. Remember that using tools involves “programming” ~ Can you program “properly”?

Lesson 9. Tools are Software, they must be treated like any other software development

Lesson 10.  So you want resilient and dependable “Automation” ~ prepare for a shock statistic

Lesson 11. Expect to spend a long time building and maintaining the Test Automation Suite

Lesson 12. “Management” do not understand the difference between “Automated” & “Automatic”

Lesson 13. When is the right time to Automate?

The trainer

Has more than thirty-eight years of experience in the field of software quality, having transferred into the world of system testing from a business role.

  • Experienced in testing software in both business, technical and scientific environments
  • From major investment and insurance real-time and batch processing systems to embedded laser control, cryogenic control, and superconducting applications.
  • From Test Design to Test Management, including Risk Based Testing, CAST and guiding UAT.
  • Founder of Ingenuity System Testing Services, the preeminent testing authority in the field of electronically traded insurance in the United Kingdom. A System Testing Practice with automation a central specialism.
  • A pupil of the “Structured School of Testing”, fervently believing that “testing is an evidential and disciplined activity within a focussed Quality Management System”, and long-time devotee of Beizer.
  • Always seeking to fully utilise “Computer Aided Software Testing” techniques.
  • During the mid to late 1990’s, Simon was the chief adviser to a number of large UK financial institutions, assisting in the development and later auditing of their “Year 2000” testing strategies. All of them successfully deployed.

Simon is widely published internationally in conference proceedings, papers, and contributions to books and has presented as an invited speaker in the United States, UK, Scandinavia, at EuroStar, and at the World Congress for Software Quality.

An experienced Expert Witness in the field of Software Quality.

Today, Simon is retired from running “Ingenuity”. When he is not providing consultancy services and making conference appearances, he can often be found in his workshop on the island of Gozo,  repairing and restoring clock mechanisms. All of which are equally as temperamental as any computer system.

Date: 19 November 2018, Iasi

Training fee: €250/participant plus VAT, only 20 seats available
To book your seats, please contact us by email ([email protected]) or phone (+40 741 103 133).

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