Masterclass: Docker Swarm: From theory to practice

Date: 20 April 2018, Timisoara
Training fee: €100/participant plus VAT, only 20 seats available

To book your seats, please contact us by email ([email protected]) or phone (+40 741 103 133).

Join us for a 6-hour full hands-on workshop on Docker Swarm: From theory to practice on Friday 20 April 2018, delivered by SourceLair co-founder and CTO, Docker Captain and Docker Certified Associate Antonis Kalipetis.

About the masterclass

Docker and containers have drastically changed the way we develop and deploy applications. After mastering containers, it’s only natural to start deploying containers in production. This masterclass aims at introducing participants to orchestrator principles through Docker Swarm, showcasing the different concepts, pros, cons and common best practices, while showing the way to go to production with confidence.


Join this masterclass to be introduced to the world of orchestration, through Docker Swarm. This training will go through the basic concepts, best practices and will show you the way to go to production with confidence.

Who should attend

System Administrators, Operations Executives and Developers that want to:

  1. Automate, improve and scale their production Docker setup
  2. Fill the gaps missing to deploy Docker to their production systems
  3. Secure their production systems further


  • Basic Docker knowledge and understanding of concepts (e.g. Container, Images, Dockerfiles)
  • Basic programming skills
  • Bringing your own laptop

What you will learn

  • Concepts: Nodes, Tasks, Services, Networks, Configs, Secrets)
  • Topology: Networking, Node Roles, Cryptographic Identity)
  • Practical Skills: Deploying Services, Deploying Stacks, Rolling Updates, Debugging a Docker Swarm Cluster

Course outline

  • What is a container, a crash course
  • From servers to clusters: intro to containerized infrastructure
  • Docker swarm in practice, setting up and managing a cluster
  • Deploying services to Docker Swarm
  • Production deployments in a containerized infrastructure
  • Swarm debugging


  • Event attendees will get access to a 3-node Docker Swarm cluster each to practice
  • This event’s price is a steal for the value you will bring back to your company
  • This event runs with limited seating. Get the most of the instructors’ attention!
  • Enjoy free cofee and lunch during the event.

The trainer

Antonis is leading the technology at SourceLair – a company specialized in creating developer tools, while at the same time helps teams improve their development workflow. He’s a Python lover and developer, and a Docker Captain. When not talking about himself in the third person, he loves automating stuff and sharing knowledge around all things containers, DevOps and developer workflows. He’s also a regular speaker at local Meetups, mostly in Athens.

Training fee: €100/participant plus VAT, only 20 seats available
To book your seats, please contact us by email ([email protected]) or phone (+40 741 103 133).

Browse more masterclasses here.