How to create simple apps using Unity 3D and Parse Server

If you want to create an app faster, and you do not have knowledge from the backend area, but you require your app to interact with a database, one accessible solution is to use Parse Server. Parse Server is an open source Back-as-a Service (BaaS) framework initially developed by Facebook which uses web-based, all-in-one Dashboard. From here, you can create classes and manage your data, to view analytics, and send push notifications.


As you know, the Parse Service was shut down in January 30, 2017 (I hope you have migrated to other backend service you decided to).

An easy solution for this problem is using Back4app, which is an open source backend that already uses framework and helps developers to build their apps scalable and extensible at a much faster speed. Back4app is great for developers if they are looking for flexibility, customization on source code and the capability to integrate their app with other cloud services.

Read this article and learn how to create simple apps using Unity 3D and Parse Server.

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ASSIST Software is a software outsourcing company based in Suceava, the largest city in the North-East of Romania. Founded in 1992, ASSIST Software is present on the international market, as a supplier of innovative solutions, being a reliable and trustworthy outsourcing partner for more than 230 clients worldwide.

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