Masterclass powered by Endava: Quality in use – the beating heart of the user experience

In today’s business environment, the user experience and the commercial imperatives have become overwhelmingly important. As testers it is vital that we understand quality in use and the user experience, in order that we focus our tests correctly.

Date: 22  March 2018, IASI
Training fee: €250/participant plus VAT, only 25 seats available

To book your seats, please contact us by email ([email protected]) or phone (+40 741 103 133).

About the training

“Quality in use” measures human, business and societal impacts of products (usability, accessibility, flexibility, commercial, safety). This builds to a User Experience (UX) and are underpinned by technical and engineering qualities. For the people selling, supporting or using the products, this is the beating heart of the customer experience. Without these “big picture” attributes, delivered software will not be acceptable, may result in reduced profits, and may not be legal. In the tutorial, Isabel will use examples from real projects to discuss how to design tests derived from the user personas, contexts of use, and acceptance criteria.

Participants will learn:

  • To distinguish the layers of quality that must be designed and built into products, and tested;
  • How to understand and meet the context of use for each customer persona, from the internal quality through quality in use, to the user experience;
  • How to focus testing on customers, end users and the business;
  • How to select attributes from each layer of the user experience pyramid to track and measure during testing;
  • How to agree acceptance criteria for testing internal quality, quality in use and the user experience.

Three key points:

  • Be able to define who your customers are and what is important to them – personas, contexts and desires
  • Have a method to understand and test how customers experience your product by thinking about the quality layers of user experience, quality in use and internal quality
  • Be able to set acceptance criteria that match to the quality in use for your customers

The trainer

Independent quality and testing consultant Isabel Evans has more than thirty years of IT experience in quality management and testing in the financial, communications, and software sectors. Her quality management work focuses on encouraging IT teams and customers to work together via flexible processes designed and tailored by the teams that use them. Isabel authored Achieving Software Quality Through Teamwork and chapters in Agile Testing: How to Succeed in an eXtreme Testing Environment; The Testing Practitioner; and Foundations of Software Testing. A popular speaker at software conferences worldwide, Isabel is a Chartered IT Professional and Fellow of the British Computer Society, and has been a member of software industry improvement working groups.

Date: 22  March 2018, IASI
Training fee: €250/participant plus VAT, only 25 seats available

To book your seats, please contact us by email ([email protected]) or phone (+40 741 103 133).

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