3 Reasons to See Dino Esposito in Action @Codecamp Iasi

Dino Esposito has been the voice of Microsoft Press to Web developer since 2003. During this time he has written many popular books on ASP.NET and software architecture (“Architecting Applications for the Enterprise” with fellow MVP Andrea Saltarello and “Modern Web Development” to name just a few).

Currently, he is the CTO of Crionet, a company focused on providing Web-based and mobile solutions tailored for sport events across Europe. Dino is also the technical evangelist of JetBrains, a company striving to help developers be more productive by automating common, repetitive tasks; here, he specialises on Android and Kotlin development. Another interesting element to note about Dino is that he is a member of the team that manages WURFL — a mobile device database used by companies the likes of Facebook and Google.

Besides being a long-time trainer and consultant, Dino frequently holds talks about everything .NET at industry events all around the world, Codecamp Iași being one of them in May 2017. If you are not convinced yet, here are just some of the very valid reasons for why you should attend Dino’s masterclass.

You are passionate about software design and architecture

You’re into designing and engineering software systems based on user requirements? If that’s the case, you probably know that things are not as easy as they seem. More often than not, when customers see the prototype, they just don’t like it. Regardless of the number of meetings and discussions you’ve set up, customers and developers seem to have different visions of the final product. Dino is an expert at making sure the final product doesn’t miss the mark of what users want. As a matter of fact, Dino is regularly invited to hold talks and trainings at international industry conferences on topics ranging from the challenges of modern development and scalability best practices, the impact of UX on software architecture and design, to the patterns of mobile app development.

Being extremely passionate about software design and architecture, Dino has also written a number of books such as Microsoft® .NET: Architecting Applications for the Enterprise and Microsoft ASP.NET and AJAX: Architecting Web Applications that have served as educational cornerstones for many of today’s .NET developers.

Still wondering what you could learn about software design and architecture at Dino’s masterclass? Check out this article he’s written for Microsoft Developer Network: Cutting Edge – Better Architecture with UX-Driven Design. Now imagine what it would be like to have him answer your heavy questions and share with you his most valuable insights on the topic. It could be one of those eureka moments!

You want to learn more about ASP.NET Core

As you probably know, Dino is not only into architecture and UX-driven design. He’s currently working on finishing his latest book, Programming ASP.NET Core which is set to launch in April this year.

Being an avid content creator, Dino is constantly writing 2-3 blog posts (mainly on .NET and development) every month. Here are just a few examples that might give you a clue about Dino’s mastering of ASP.NET:

You just want to see him in action because he inspired thousands of developers worldwide

Yes, Dino Esposito is an inspiration not only for his impressive know-how and expertise but also for the way in which he manages to convey that information to others.

At Codecamp Iași, Dino Esposito will be holding 2 days of intensive training on Developing ASP.NET Core Applications. The masterclass will focus on existing ASP.NET developers, who will need to bring all of their development experience, roll up their sleeves and spend two hands-on days working side-by-side with Dino on building an ASP.NET Core application from the ground up.

The training will start with an empty ASP.NET Core project that will gradually grow and develop into a functioning solution. The best part is that whoever participates will have the opportunity to generate specific solutions to their issues, under the constant monitoring of Dino Esposito himself. He will also be able to offer constant feedback to each participant and will hold Q&A sessions so that no one leaves the masterclass with their questions unanswered.

Dino Esposito’s masterclass has limited seats so we encourage you to register sooner rather than later. Here is the register link: http://iasi.codecamp.ro/masterclasses/aspnetcore/.

If you have any additional questions give us a sign at [email protected] and we’ll be more than happy to answer them for you.

As a thank you for reading this article, here are a couple of presentations that will give you a taste of what’s going to happen on the 12th of May 2017 in Iasi, at Dino Esposito’s talk dubbed DDD and the Delicate Art of Building Software:

Hands-on Experience: What It Means to Design a Domain Model

DevTalk Live with Jon Skeet and Dino Esposito (.NET DeveloperDays 2016)

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